Why Birches Are White

Why Birches Are White reveals the power of a glance, a touch, and a kiss to change profoundly the orderly, predictable lives of an American man and a Russian woman. It is a love story written on two different canvasses: a realistic, insightful black and white portrayal of contemporary Russian life and a bright, fresh impressionist reaction to America's past and present.

In the summer of 1987, average Americans and Russians walked from Leningrad to Moscow for Peace. This fictional romance based on a true story is about just one of the amazing consequences of the Walk. Two of the walkers' discovery that they were "kindred spirits" proved the foundation for a friendship that endured in spite of cultural, political, and geographic differences. Their courageous willingness to eventually admit they loved each other is set against a backdrop of doubt, hardship, and sacrifice. Unexplainable forces and a host of personal Angles dramatically bring them together again and again.

If you wonder if there are supernatural powers that guide our lives, you may find some answers in this book.

To start, read the first chapter.  It's amazing and it's true.

If you would like to purchase this book please go to  Amazon.com

Just came back from Rome...

I spent eight days in Rome during the Thanksgiving week. I was in Rome last year too and reflecting on my experiences then and now I'm certain that this year's Rome was more mellow and inviting than last year's.  The economic pressure is obvious, and people in businesses are not that snobbish as they seemed to be in the past.  In contrast, they really want to please you, the tourist--the main source of their survival.  This made the stay in the world's epicenter of human history really worth while. Plan a trip to Rome now.  Ask me for tips.  I'll help you make it affordable and enjoyable.

Reading is Intelligence

I admire people who read.  Have you read a single book in the past month?  I haven't.  What's wrong with me?  My husband says "it's life".  I think "it's me".  I used to be "me", but I've lost something...may be...
I'm in search of myself.

Even More in Love with America

I just came back from my annual "girls" vacation with a friend to Utah National Parks: Capital Reef, Escalante, Bryce and Zion.  Each time we saw the magnificent rock shapes and "kodachrome" colors, we yelled, "This is America!" Unfortunately, I found out only 20% of tourists in these places of the World Wonders are Americans, and 80% are foreigners who apparently appreciate the beauty of America more than her citizens.  It's sad, but I hope the major reason for such neglect is Americans thinking, "It's right here, in my backyard, and I'll have time to get there later," and they instead tour Europe. next time you plan your vacation, please go to your "backyard".

The World Is Going Nuts?

There is a famous saying, "Optimism is the lack of information."  And I was thinking about the opposite - today we're oversaturated with information: good, bad, useful and time-wasting, and it takes me to an idea that probably it'll be true to state, "Pessimism is the overload with information."  On the radio, on TV, from friends and relatives, from my students and neighbors, every day I hear stuff that affects my mood and mental health even when it absolutely has nothing to do with my personal life.  Are we all going nuts and there is no hope? These thoughts came to mind after my 30-minute commute and the radio on in the car... I won't forget to take my CDs with me tomorrow.  Listening to my favorite hits is apolitical but soooo much better for my optimism.

Fred Segal

Today, I stumbled upon Fred Segal's Web site and blog: http://fredsegalsm.blogspot.com and looked Fred up on the Internet.  I wonder if he still remembers the Walk from St. Petersburg to Moscow in 1987.  We sure had lots of fun conversations then, and we were "a little " younger. We (as many participants of the Walk as possible) should probably get together next year to celebrate its 25th anniversary.  I'll start working on it, maybe.

What I mean by "Love".

Even though this blog has been designed to share my first novel with the readers, it's not just about this book. It's also about my love story with America and her people. This country has been under severe world criticism for many years, and we all agree it's not perfect. But I'd like to stand up for my country, the United States of America, and focus on the good she gives to the world. What can you share to this matter?